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Complete Anatomy 3 4 – Anatomy Learning Platform Examples

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Anatomical names for body parts

Muscle and bone work together to create movement, Designua/

Anatomy names reveal place, shape and direction of use for that body part. In anatomy class you will see many pictures of bones and muscles with labels. You will handle models of body parts that mysteriously fit together like a puzzle. You will hear lectures about how the body parts function.

But, the real key to learning anatomy is to understand anatomical names in terms of the movement they control. Think of the body moving in three dimensions. Anatomic charts are static. The body parts and models in anatomy laboratory are fixed. Yet, human anatomic names describe their size, shape, placement and direction of movement.

Anatomical locations

Where does this body part fit? Directional terminology for anatomical location often gives students problems right from the beginning. Is the disassembled bone from the right side or left side of the skeleton? Am I viewing this arm from the front or the back?

Best High-End Online Course Platform for Professionals ($119/month) Kajabi is a high-powered course builder for in-depth courses. It features powerful course site themes, robust email marketing automation, upsells and digital products, a customizable checkout, and blogging functionality. 3.1 Definition of anatomy and physiology 3.2 Relationship between anatomy and physiology 3.3 Divisions of anatomy 3.4 Divisions of physiology 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 Summary 6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment 7.0 References/Further Readings 1.0INTRODUCTION You have gone through the basic biology course where you learnt that.

Even whether an arm is a right or left one can be puzzling. Do not feel bad if you have trouble with the right and left designation. Even hospitals must go to great lengths to make sure a surgeon does not get mixed up between right and left appendages.

We all think of right and left in terms of our own right and left. Our brains have unconscious memory traces for automatic actions that are hard to overcome when we try to think of the movements of another person. It takes a conscious effort to reverse right and left for a person we are facing.

Human anatomical position

Mapping out anatomical direction of body parts can be very frustrating. If you become exasperated by sorting out the terms medial, lateral, caudal and distal, think of them in terms of a map. If you want to plan a route from New York City to San Francisco, first you must know which city is your starting point. You also need to have the concept of north, south, east and west under control to get where you want to go.


Radium 3 0 10. Anatomy is much the same way in that you need a fixed starting point—not an obvious thing with a body as lanky and flexible as that of a human. The starting point you must learn first is the human ‘anatomical position'. All body parts and connections are named relative to a standing person facing the observer with arms out from his/her side and palms of the hands facing the observer.

Human Anatomical Position, Alex Luengo/

Remember always that the ‘right' and ‘left' of a person in the anatomical position are opposite your own right and left. For your right and left side to match that of someone else, you must have your back to them.

In order to map the movement of a body away from the anatomical position, you need directional terms. Because road maps are flat representations of Earth's static surface four directions suffice. To map body movement away from the anatomical position in three dimensions, more than 4 directional words are needed.

It is critical to your success in anatomy to study human body directional terms until they are second nature to you. Many students pass over this early part of the course because it seems boring. Yet, directional terms will appear repeatedly as you proceed with learning the names and locations of body parts. You need to work on the directional concepts used in anatomy until your brain becomes programmed to think of anatomy in that language.

Translating anatomical names

Anatomical names are descriptions. Anatomic names were decided long ago when scientists worked in the Latin language. But Latin can be translated into your own language with the help of Google. Once translated you will see that anatomical names make sense. Click here to find Google translations.

You will also notice that anatomical names appear in layers. For example, muscle names reflect the names of the bone they are connected to. The blood vessels and nerves run together in bundles and reflect the name of the muscle they course through. Even if your exams are not cumulative, if you make your learning cumulative as you proceed through your anatomy and physiology course you will find it much easier. And, your exam grades will be much higher.

Further Reading:

Do you want to know more about the role movement plays in naming anatomical parts? Please put your questions in the comment box or send me an email at I read and reply to all comments and email.

If you think this description of mapping out the location of human body parts is helpful, share it with your fellow students or send it to your favorite social media by clicking one of the buttons below.

Margaret Thompson Reece PhD, physiologist, former Senior Scientist and Laboratory Director at academic medical centers in California, New York and Massachusetts and CSO at Serometrix LLC is now CEO at Reece Biomedical Consulting LLC.

Dr. Reece is passionate about helping students, online and in person, pursue careers in life sciences. Her books 'Physiology: Custom-Designed Chemistry', 'Inside the Closed World of the Brain', the workbook companion to her online course '30-Day Challenge: Craft Your Plan for Learning Physiology', and 'Busy Student's Anatomy & Physiology Study Journal' are written for those new to life science. More about her books is available at

Dr. Reece offers a free 30 minute 'how-to-get-started' phone conference to students struggling with human anatomy and physiology. Schedule an appointment by email at

Defining Anatomy

Human anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body.

Learning Objectives

Complete Anatomy Software

Define the two major subtypes of anatomy


Radium 3 0 10. Anatomy is much the same way in that you need a fixed starting point—not an obvious thing with a body as lanky and flexible as that of a human. The starting point you must learn first is the human ‘anatomical position'. All body parts and connections are named relative to a standing person facing the observer with arms out from his/her side and palms of the hands facing the observer.

Human Anatomical Position, Alex Luengo/

Remember always that the ‘right' and ‘left' of a person in the anatomical position are opposite your own right and left. For your right and left side to match that of someone else, you must have your back to them.

In order to map the movement of a body away from the anatomical position, you need directional terms. Because road maps are flat representations of Earth's static surface four directions suffice. To map body movement away from the anatomical position in three dimensions, more than 4 directional words are needed.

It is critical to your success in anatomy to study human body directional terms until they are second nature to you. Many students pass over this early part of the course because it seems boring. Yet, directional terms will appear repeatedly as you proceed with learning the names and locations of body parts. You need to work on the directional concepts used in anatomy until your brain becomes programmed to think of anatomy in that language.

Translating anatomical names

Anatomical names are descriptions. Anatomic names were decided long ago when scientists worked in the Latin language. But Latin can be translated into your own language with the help of Google. Once translated you will see that anatomical names make sense. Click here to find Google translations.

You will also notice that anatomical names appear in layers. For example, muscle names reflect the names of the bone they are connected to. The blood vessels and nerves run together in bundles and reflect the name of the muscle they course through. Even if your exams are not cumulative, if you make your learning cumulative as you proceed through your anatomy and physiology course you will find it much easier. And, your exam grades will be much higher.

Further Reading:

Do you want to know more about the role movement plays in naming anatomical parts? Please put your questions in the comment box or send me an email at I read and reply to all comments and email.

If you think this description of mapping out the location of human body parts is helpful, share it with your fellow students or send it to your favorite social media by clicking one of the buttons below.

Margaret Thompson Reece PhD, physiologist, former Senior Scientist and Laboratory Director at academic medical centers in California, New York and Massachusetts and CSO at Serometrix LLC is now CEO at Reece Biomedical Consulting LLC.

Dr. Reece is passionate about helping students, online and in person, pursue careers in life sciences. Her books 'Physiology: Custom-Designed Chemistry', 'Inside the Closed World of the Brain', the workbook companion to her online course '30-Day Challenge: Craft Your Plan for Learning Physiology', and 'Busy Student's Anatomy & Physiology Study Journal' are written for those new to life science. More about her books is available at

Dr. Reece offers a free 30 minute 'how-to-get-started' phone conference to students struggling with human anatomy and physiology. Schedule an appointment by email at

Defining Anatomy

Human anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body.

Learning Objectives

Complete Anatomy Software

Define the two major subtypes of anatomy

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Gross anatomy is subdivided into surface anatomy (the external body), regional anatomy (specific regions of the body), and systemic anatomy (specific organ systems).
  • Microscopic anatomy is subdivided into cytology (the study of cells) and histology (the study of tissues).
  • Anatomy is closely related to physiology (study of function), biochemistry (chemical processes of living things), comparative anatomy (similarities and differences between species), and embryology (development of embryos).
  • Knowledge of anatomy is needed to understand human biology and medicine.

Key Terms

  • anatomy: The study of the body structure of animals.
  • surface Anatomy: The study of anatomical landmarks that can be identified by observing the surface of the body. Sometimes called superficial anatomy.
  • microscopic anatomy: The study of minute anatomical structures on a microscopic scale, including cells (cytology) and tissues (histology).
  • Gross (or macroscopic) anatomy: The study of anatomical features visible to the naked eye, such as internal organs and external features.
  • embryology: The science of the development of an embryo from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetal stage.
  • dissection: The process of disassembling an organism to determine its internal structure and understand the functions and relationships of its components.

Defining Anatomy

Anatomy describes the structure and location of the different components of an organism to provide a framework for understanding. Human anatomy studies the way that every part of a human, from molecules to bones, interacts to form a functional whole.

Rembrant's 'The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp': Human anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body, from the microscopic to the macroscopic.

There are two major types of anatomy. Gross (macroscopic) anatomy is the study of anatomical structures that can be seen by the naked eye, such as the external and internal bodily organs. Microscopic anatomy is the study of tiny anatomical structures such as tissues and cells.

Gross Anatomy

Gross anatomy can be further subdivided into three different fields:

  • Surface anatomy (or superficial anatomy) is the study of external anatomical features without dissection.
  • Regional anatomy focuses on specific external and internal regions of the body (such as the head or chest) and how different systems work together in that region.
  • Systemic anatomy focuses on the anatomy of different organ systems, such as the respiratory or nervous system.

Regional anatomy is widely used in modern teaching because it is easier to apply to a clinical setting than systemic anatomy. The major anatomy textbook, Gray's Anatomy, has recently been reorganized from a systems format to a regional format to reflect this preference. Surface anatomy is also widely used to gauge the position and structure of deeper organs, tissues, and systems.

Microscopic Anatomy

Within microscopic anatomy, two topics of study are of great importance:

  • Cytology, the study of the structure and function of cells
  • Histology, the study of the organization and details of biological tissues

The human body has many layers of organization. Biological systems consist of organs that consist of tissues, and tissue in turn is made up of cells and connective tissue. Microscopic anatomy allows one to focus on these tissues and cells.

History of Anatomy

The history of anatomy has been an evolving understanding of organs and structures in the body. Beginning in Ancient Greece and developing through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, methods of studying anatomy have advanced dramatically. This field has moved from examination of animals and cadavers through invasive dissection to the technologically complex techniques developed in the 20th century, such as non-invasive imaging and radiology.

Generally, medical and biology students learn about the human body from anatomical models, skeletons, textbooks, diagrams, photographs, lectures, and tutorials. Medical and dental students also learn through the dissection and inspection of cadavers. A thorough working knowledge of anatomy is required for all medical professionals, especially surgeons and doctors working in diagnostic specialties such as radiology.

Anatomy and Physiology

Physiology is the study of how the components of the body function, and biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of living structures. Together with anatomy, these are the three primary disciplines within the field of human biology. Anatomy provides information about structure, location, and organization of different parts of the body that is needed to truly understand physiology. Together, anatomy and physiology explain the structure and function of the different components of the human body to describe what it is and how it works.

Defining Physiology

Human physiology is the study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes that support the body's function. Totals 3 0 12 – create stylish invoices and more.

Learning Objectives

Describe physiology in the context of living systems

Complete Anatomy 3 4 – Anatomy Learning Platform Examples Biology

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • The study of physiology occurs at many levels, including organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules.
  • Physiology investigates the processes and mechanisms that allow a living thing to survive, grow, and develop.
  • Homeostasis is the maintenance of the overall stability of physiological processes of the body. It is monitored by the brain and nervous system and regulated by the physiology and activity of individual organs.
  • While anatomy deals with the structure of the parts of an organism, physiology studies the way that the parts function together.

Key Terms

  • homeostasis: The ability of a system or living organism to adjust its internal environment to maintain a stable equilibrium, such as the ability of warm-blooded animals to maintain a constant internal temperature despite changes in outdoor temperature.
  • Living Systems: Open, self-organizing living things that interact with their environments. These systems are maintained by flows of information, energy, and matter.
  • physiology: A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living matter and the physical and chemical processes and mechanisms involved.


The body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients from food.

Physiology is the science of the normal function of living systems. Physiology studies the processes and mechanisms that allow an organism to survive, grow, and develop. Physiological processes are the ways in which organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, and biomolecules work together to accomplish the complex goal of sustaining life.

Physiological mechanisms are the smaller physical and chemical events that make up a larger physiological process. Human physiology studies the functions of humans, their organs and cells, and how all of these functions combine to make life, growth, and development possible.

Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Vitruvian Man': Vitruvian Man: A drawing created by Leonardo da Vinci. The drawing is based on the correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described[4] by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius in Book III of his treatise De Architectura.


Homeostatis is the maintenance of the body's overall inner resistance to change. This resistance stabilizes the body by regulating the internal environment, even as the external environment changes. A stable internal environment is needed for normal physiological function and survival of a living system.

Maintaining a stable internal environment requires constant monitoring, mostly by the brain and nervous system. The brain, more specifically the hypothalamus, receives information from the body and responds appropriately through the release of chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters, catecholamines, and hormones. Mailplane 3 8 2 download free. These chemical messengers signal individual organs to change their functions in order to maintain homeostasis for the whole body.

For instance, if blood oxygen levels are too low, the brain signals the muscles controlling the lungs to breathe faster to increase oxygen intake. The brain also signals the heart to beat faster so other organs and tissues receive the oxygen they need. When oxygen levels return to normal, the brain signals the lungs and heart to return to their normal rates of function, a process called feedback.

Body Systems

Traditionally, the academic discipline of physiology views the body as a collection of interacting systems, each with its own combination of functions and purposes. Each system contributes to the homeostasis of other systems and of the entire organism. No system works in isolation, and the well-being of the person depends upon the well-being of the interactions between body systems. The traditional divisions by system are somewhat arbitrary. Many organs participate in more than one system (such as the heart and kidney), and systems might be organized by function, by embryological origin, or by other categorizations.

For instance, the neuroendocrine system is the complex interactions of the neurological and endocrinological systems. Together, the neuroendocrine system regulates many physiological processes, including those that maintain homeostasis. Furthermore, many aspects of physiology are not easily categorized by traditional definitions of organ systems because they are composed of interactions between organs in multiple organ systems.

The study of how physiology is altered in disease is pathophysiology. Pathophysiology focuses on how physiological processes fail to maintain normal function, resulting in the manifestation of disease symptoms.

Anatomy and Physiology

Human anatomy deals with how all parts of the human body interact to form a functional whole. The study of anatomy is separate from the study of physiology, although the two are often taught together. While anatomy studies the structure of the parts of an organism, physiology is concerned with the way those parts function together. For example, an anatomist may study the types of tissues found in different parts of the heart, while a physiologist may study how the heart regulates blood flow to supply oxygen to other organs in the body. While anatomy and physiology study different aspects of human biology, together they provide a more complete picture of what the human body is and how it works.

The human heart and lungs: Anatomy and physiology are complimentary disciplines as the structure of body systems often influences system function.

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